I wish the change had been documented somewhere, because the only screenshot I can find of my login screen prior to the patch is this one:

...which I took to show off my T5 shoulders more than anything else.
Oh well, it's a nice change - it makes sense that hunters should display our ranged weapons and not our "stat-sticks". Now, if only our bows showed on our backs while walking around...
One of the nicest surprises yet! I totally did an abrupt double-take when switching through my characters the other day. "Wait - was that a bow I saw?? Not a horribly ugly polearm? FINALLY!"
277 distant lands to a hunter. sigh
It's little touches like these that make me smile, just the other day (before the patch obviously) I was thinking just this. Thanks Blizzard, good to know there are some people employed by you that have great attention to detail.
Along with this change, I'm also happy that the Sentinel Scouting Greaves from Jaraxxus are once again gold/blue as they should be, instead of the weird change to gold/green in 3.3. Huzzah for a matching tier 9 set once again :D
It makes me want to be equipping Rhok or Black Bow of the Betrayer whenever I log... =P
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