With no experience in the Upper Citadel and an ilvl in the low 700s due to some lacklustre loot luck, I'd had to be quite diligent and a little creative about my LFG note for trying to get past Heroic Gorefiend.
Unfortunately, even "744 Ring" - an indication that you've killed Normal Archimonde 3 times - didn't seem to be quite enough for picky PuG leaders.
I was more than a little relieved when loot started dropping again this week, jumping me 6 ilvls (in my bags, at least!) to sit comfortably at 710 plus 4pc, and subsequently putting 2 more heroic kills on the board.
Yes, I'm probably getting carried a little - I had a mage in my PuG do almost double my DPS in the Heroic Xhul kill (and ranked 1st for mages on that fight to boot - had to have been a fairly progressed Mythic raider) - but I've never been bottom in any kills yet, so I can't be *too* much of a hindrance.
Luckily, now that I can put "8/13H" in my note, I'm a lot more confident about getting to 11/13H, considering the extra kills are an unconscious step up from the "easy" first 6.
Hopefully I'll find a Socrethar PuG this week for a chance at the crossbow as well - it would be nice to be on the higher end of the DPS rather than the lower one. Besides, any more kills I can add to the ol' LFG note just means I'll find it easier to get a PuG next week. Go go experience!