Sure, Ner'zhul was pretty much dead for the Oceanic time slot, but I kept making excuses for why I wanted my warlock to be there:
- It's a PvP server, which is much more fun and challenging (well, I think so, anyway...) than a PvE server!
- It costs (gasp) real life money!
- There are people on Ner'zhul that won't be able to find me if I leave!
All good reasons. However:
- Being on a PvP server is great if you actually have people to PvP with/against... which I didn't, unless I logged on during US peak times on the weekend.
- If I feel like a gankfest, I can always log onto Frostmourne horde.
- I've subscribed to WoW for so long and I'm not totally broke.
- The people on Ner'zhul I met online won't remember me because I rarely play my warlock
- My RL friends who have characters on Ner'zhul a) don't have BC, let alone WotLK; b) decided that they don't like Alliance; and c) are more likely to re-roll on a different server when they re-subscribe for a month or so, since that's what they always do.... and I can always make a Death Knight.
So... why was it so hard?
I think the main reason is... I just don't like change.
I would never change my character's name (I was extremely happy that "Allevia" wasn't already taken on Proudmoore), I don't change my character's hair (I changed it back after getting the Achievement on my hunter) and I didn't like moving Allevia from what has essentially been her home for 4 years.
Or maybe it's because I kept accidentally picking the wrong talents for my Diablo 2 sorceress (you couldn't unlearn skill points in that game; you had to start over completely) too many times and never got over it...
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