- While soloing, I will pull aggro off my cat, even if I use Misdirection or Intimidation, and stick to Steady Shot.
- In dungeons, the cat is great single-target DPS (as it should be), but squishy if focussed on (as expected).
- While soloing, I will pull aggro off my turtle, even if I use Misdirection or Intimidation, and stick to Steady Shot.
- The turtle is a decent tank and can last awhile, but *only* if he can hold aggro.
On the other hand...
- While soloing, I will not pull aggro off my gorilla while soloing unless I spam abilities like crazy.
- The gorilla has some pretty epic DPS in dungeons if we're AoEing (and let's face it - nobody bothers to CC anymore unless you're undergeared and running a heroic).
- The gorilla has also saved my normal Violet Hold run from wiping by tanking a boss for awhile (I and the healer were the only two left).
Why is it so hard for other tenacity pets - such as poor Koopa the turtle - to keep aggro?
Why is the gorilla actually a viable choice for a DPS pet when it's supposed to be a tanking pet?
I used to raid with a bear in MC/BWL.
I used to solo elites and farm with "DPS" pets (cat, windserpent or bat usually), and they did fine if I alternated MD/BW/Intimidation.
The new pet system, complete with 2 extra stable slots, was supposed to bring MORE pet variety, not less.
Why, then, am I finding that I still only need 3 stable slots - for raiding (cat), arena (to be determined) and everything else (gorilla)???
Gorilla's thunderstomp generates more agro than regular damage. In single target dps fights, it does slightly less dps than a ferocity pet (or scorpid). You also have to be careful about it pulling agro from a tank if you use thunderstomp on the boss.
In any other non-raid situation, I use it exclusively. Even PVP these days seems to be more about aoe than focus- I will focus _my_ attacks on one player, but the gorilla is thunderstomping him, his vehicle, his healer, and any unfortunate NPCs within ass-kickery range.
I just with that there were an exotic pet with this type of ability...
Euripides, Drenden US
Good point about AoEing in PvP - I don't tend to do BGs much because they bore me, but when I do I usually take a cat so I can Shadowmeld/Prowl to camp nodes.
I really should start taking a gorilla into AV and SOTA, though - I almost never stealth in those.
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