If you're a tank or a healer, this may not be great news to you. Guilds in general are often short of one or the other, and will occasionally take a PuG to fill their last slot(s). However, I am a hunter - a female night elf to boot - and the past few weeks of being picked up for PuG raids has been a blast.
Since my guild stopped officially raiding, I have PuGged:
- MC and BWL for 2 pieces of Draconic for Dummies (for the AQ scepter quest chain)
- Naxxramas for 3 pieces of hunter T3, including the badass-looking Cryptstalker helm
- Tempest Keep - A'lar and a few attempts at Kael'thas
- Mt Hyjal - Azgalor and a few attempts at Archimonde
Now, my guild didn't do Naxx at level 60. We have also never seen Kael'thas (we were at 3/4 TK), or Azgalor/Archimonde (we were at 1/5 in Hyjal).
I know a lot of people hate PuGs and avoid them like the plague, but I say give them a chance - you may spend a lot of time wiping, but then again, you might not!
Tips for PuGging:
- Be prepared: This means consumables, Ventrilo/Teamspeak, and at least a threat meter for addons if you're DPS.
- PuG often: If PuG leaders see you a lot, they're more likely to remember you and give you an invite. Keep an eye out in trade, general and LFG chat channels for groups.
- Check your realm forums: People often organize events on the forums, because it's hard to get 25 people together on the fly.
- Know how to play: If you're a hunter and you can't chain trap or kite a mob for 10min without dying, do some practice. You're going to need something to impress the PuG leader, especially if you're undergeared or an unusual spec.
- Behave and be polite: People aren't going to invite you if they don't like you, no matter how epic your gear is.
- Shut up and listen: Don't talk/type when the raid leader is, and always listen for instructions. The raid will NOT be impressed if you are AFK for a ready check, or if you fail to Misdirect a mob to the right tank at the right time. This is especially true for the harder 25man raids where one wrong move is a wipe, and instructions can sometimes be a passing comment in a LONG speech before a boss pull - you CANNOT afford to tune out, or you risk your reputation.