Thunderstomp is now a pet talent available to any Tenacity pet. Now your bears, crocs or ESPECIALLY CRABS can join in the AE tanking fun.

Thunderstomp is now a pet talent available to any Tenacity pet. Now your bears, crocs or ESPECIALLY CRABS can join in the AE tanking fun.
New Talent: Trap Launcher: When activated, your next Trap will be launched instantly at the enemy target. 1 minute cooldown.
This screenshot, needless to say, is one of my greatest WoW moments.
I'm pictured in Ironforge with Shardik, my then-raiding pet.
Rhok was finally in my hands after proving to myself (and my guild!) that yes, it *was* possible to do the quest as full BM spec, and pretty much solo to boot (I had a priest to rez/buff for two of the demons, but that was it - certainly no dueling warlocks or extra Aspects!).
I wish I'd taken more screenshots for that folder, but at the time I didn't think about it - I was too excited about finally doing the quest I'd wanted to do ever since I started playing.
Ah well - the memories still serve me well.
Oh, and as for the tag.... I think most of the blogs I read have been tagged already. If anyone else who reads this blog hasn't been, consider yourself tagged!
Consumable ammunition has been removed from the game.
Piercing Shots – this talent has been changed. Your Aimed, Steady and Chimera Shots cause the target to bleed for 10/20/30% of damage dealt for 8 sec.
Sniper Training – this talent has been changed. After standing still for 6Unless Ulduar consists of a whole raid zone's worth of Patchwerk, who would take this talent? Every time you moved, you would lose the bonus. A fight like Sartharion, for example, involves moving walls of fire and void circles; exactly why would this talent be worth taking, especially that far down in the Survival tree? Not to mention, it's absolutely useless as a PvP talent.
sec, you gain a 2/4/6% damage bonus to Steady, Aimed and Explosive Shot.